제품번호 : 2

Velemeter 500 : 고정밀 장거리 속도와 길이 측정센서

Speed(velocity) & Length Measurement
measuring range : 12~±3000m/min, optional 0 ? 3000 m/min
resolution : 10μm
stand-off distance :1000mm (Optional, 500~2000mm)
depth of field : ±50 mm
accuracy : ±0,05 %
repeatability : ±0,01 %
7 mW He/Ne-Laser : 632.8nm
protection : IP67
output : 10 μm pulses as a standard output
Guaranteed lifetime : 5 year


• high repeatability 0,01 % (3 Sigma) at 1 m stand-off
• high accuracy 0,05 % (3 Sigma) at 1 m stand-off
• high resolution with ca. 10 μm per pulse at 1 m stand-off:
→the pulses can be divided by factor 4 – 255
→full quadrature pulse output if required
• visible Laser light
• low laser power for safety reasons (7 mW)
• additional advantage because of He/Ne Laser tube:
→requires no temperature stabilizing (like Laser diodes)
→requires no stabilizing for operating range (like Laser diodes)
→constant Laser frequency - no mode hopping like semi conductors have
coherent light all over whole life time
→guaranteed life time 5 years (expected life time 7 – 8 years)
→no change in specification caused by aging (like semi-conductors do)
• flexible stand-off (between 500 mm and 2.000 mm)


모델 측정 범위 (m/min) 설치 거리 (Stand-off)
Velemeter 500 12 ~ 3,000 1,000 ±50mm
Velemeter C 3 ~ 3,000 300 ±10mm
1,500 ±45mm
Technical Data
인터페이스Velemeter 500 : 10㎛ pulses, RS232
Velemeter C : 6㎛ pulses, 0-10V, 4-20mA, RS485


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